Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I've been trying to figure out what to blog about, and today it came to me -- forefront. I heard this word about 5 times today, and each time all I could think was "Isn't that word a little redundant?" Turns out, it is.
Fore-situated at or toward the front, as compared with something else.
Front- the foremost part or surface of anything.

So I decided today that I don't really like that word. However, it started my mind processes. What has been at the forefront of my mind and life recently.

1. Finances. Neither Tyler or I currently have jobs. We have both been applying and applying and applying but cannot get jobs. We've found some pretty exciting ones, but nothing has worked out. It is stressful, and unnerving having to pay bills and buy groceries knowing that we are overspending our income. I have been spending my time cleaning the house, yesterday I did the blinds. Tyler has been chilling, and going crazy. This being said, we are fine, don't send us money.

2. Friends. They are all elsewhere. This hit me square in the face last night when I took a little trip to Goshen to pick up a textbook. I got to spend some time with high school friends, and then some camp friends. Tyler has been stuck in the house so he hasnt really met anyone, and that is always annoying. For me, I have been at school but haven't spent a lot of time with people and don't have a ton of friends. We know that eventually we will meet some people, but it's always sad to think of the people we left behind.

3. Faith. We both knew that coming to Indiana would mean finding a new church and we were both pretty excited to do that. But I have been hit with the thought that not everyone believes what I believe, and that I need to process what I believe a little more. It's a good process, but a new one.

These are the three biggest things I have been thinking about. It's an interesting phase of our lives, but a good one. We are excited to see what is coming, but very very very impatient.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Moving On

A picture of the long road ahead of us
Hello all and welcome to our first attempt at blogging! It has always been an interest of mine, but I have never had anything interesting to tell others about. Not that I do now, but I figured a blog would be a great way for people to keep up with our lives and whats going on in Mishawaka.

The front of our new house, we plan to plant a flower bed next spring.
We spent all last week packing, and filled the trailer Thursday afternoon. After lots of sad goodbyes, we went to bed trying to get sleep before our moving day. Friday we woke up bright and early and ran some errands before heading out. Tyler and I left around 1 and Mom and Dad followed around 2. We arrived at our home at about 5:30 and were is shock. We really didnt expect much out of college housing for married students, but we were pleasantly surprised. As our landlord said, "It's no Taj Mahal", but it is perfect for us. We have two normal sized bedrooms and a midsized office. There is one bathroom, a living room, kitchen, large laundry, and back porch. I just found out today that we are the only married students with a backporch, what a blessing!

Our new pantry, hopefuly we can add to it soon!
We spent the evening moving everything in, and boy was there a lot. We were a little nervous about getting everything in, but only got rid of 1 loveseat, and put 3 dining room chairs back into storage. We have arranged the house into a nice, comfy home...filled with boxes.

Saturday Mom and I worked at getting the kitchen in order, while Tyler worked in the office and Dad got my computer set up, then we had some time to relax.

Mom and Dad left Sunday and Tyler and I were left with and overwhelming sense of being on our own. It was a great feeling though, and we are so excited to have a house. God has blessed us beyond what we imagined, and we are looking forward to making many memories in our new home.