Friday, September 9, 2011

Our Own Chichi

Well, in case you were wondering about the title, I go to and check out the word of the day, and then I use it as a title. So, the definition of chichi is 'affectedly trendy'. Substrate was a much easier word to use.

Our house has been pretty normal recently. We've both been applying for jobs, I've done homework, and Tyler played games. In there was the official end of unpacking, and my random cooking adventures. I've found that most things I cook on a whim are fine, but every now and again I create things. Icky, nasty, things.

Boiled Bagels...BLEH
We haven't grocery shopped a lot because we weren't sure where we would end up financially, so we ran out of things to munch on. I decided that I REALLY wanted bagels. I looked up a recipe and got to work. The dumb things took 3 hours to finish, and were awful. They are the most tasteless things I have ever eaten, but I kept eating them trying to figure out what they tasted like.

On the other hand, some things turn out really well. I made pizza the other night and it was delicious. The crust recipe was different, but good. We didn't have sauce so I pureed diced tomatoes that had garlic and oregano in them. And then I topped the pizza with cheese, pepperoni, onions, venison sausage, and homemade bacon bits. SO yummy.

The other big news is that Tyler and I both have jobs. On Tuesday we both got calls to come in for interviews. So yesterday I went to the school housekeeping HQ, interviewed and was hired. The work limit for student workers is 20 hours a week, normally freshman can't do this much, but they have made an exception for me. Tyler interviewed at Kmart tonight and was hired, he will be working anywhere from 15-25 hours a week. Both are minimum wage jobs so we will keep searching, but the minimum wage here is a dollar more than in Wayne County.

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and encouragement, we really appreciate it.

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