Jaundiced 1. exhibiting prejudice 2. yellowed
As you know, we have had quite the time finding jobs. At first, my ideal job was being a nanny and cleaning some homes on the side. Applying for a job at college was the last thing I wanted to do, but I gave in and did it. It turned out that I got an amazing job, working for great people who will go out of their way to do things for me. My boss frequently asks me how Tyler and I are doing, if we are having any problems with the house, if we need anything etc. For Tyler, he didn't get the jobs we were excited about, and as more exciting jobs come along, we try to curb our enthusiasm and not get our hopes up. But I was reminded yesterday as I scrubbed out some very nasty sinks, that God does has a plan for us, we just are too narrow minded to see it. If we would open our eyes a little, we would see that every job that turns us down, is one step closer to the one that will be the best fit.
Just a thought.
On another note, we got our delivery of flowers on Saturday. It was too late in the evening to go and plant, but we got a chance on Sunday. Here are the pictures!
Here is the right side of our flower bed under our living room window, before we worked. As you can see, no one did anything before we got there. So we got out shovels and broke up the soil, and then went through and pulled out all the grass and roots.
Here is the after, its a little sparse, but Vicki is going to give us more and we can fill it in. I also have a lot of seeds that I plan to plant in the spring and that will fill it in also.
Here is the left side of the bed, below our bedroom window.
Here is the side bed
And this is the pile of stuff we got out of the beds. Yes, when we moved here there was a bale of straw. We plan on using it to protect some mums that my supervisor is going dumpster diving for in November at a nearby retirement village.
We did this today. There was a pile of bricks in our backyard, and a little landing off the back porch. We thought it would look nice to put a little border around the flowerbeds. Also, that should give a clue to the grounds people that we will take care of our own flowerbeds. At some point we need to dig down a little and set the bricks in.
And, for the right side, there are some landscaping bricks down in the ground around the edge that we are going to dig up and make look nice...and by we I mean Tyler =)
The next thing on the list is to make curtains and couch covers so we can have a nicer living room.
Well, the view of your yard won't be jaundiced anymore!! Great job and it looks so promising...isn't gardening great? I especially like the brick border...makes it look very homey!