Friday, October 7, 2011

Vesuvian... something'erother

Well, it has been quite awhile since I have posted, sorry about that.

Woops! One of the stains we found
We did end up getting to stay in the guest house, it was really nice to have walls that weren't white and trim that was not painted. So we enjoyed our little vacation especially because while we were in the house we had an unlimited meal plan at the school. We made a couple unnecessary trips to the campus restaurant to stock up on fruit, sandwiches, chips, and the only pop we'll have for a long time. Every night we checked in on the house and watched the progress.

When we got back to our own house, we were delighted with the non-mildewy bathroom. My allergies are still not doing well, but they are a lot better than they were. We examined the house a little and noticed some stains that the maintenance men had left. I talked to the landlord and he told me to talk to the head of housekeeping, lucky me, I work for housekeeping. My boss was so helpful, and that night we got our entire carpet shampooed. Praise Jesus!

Tyler and I have both been adjusting to our jobs. I have been getting a steady 20 hours a week and everything is becoming second nature to me. My boss has been giving me jobs everywhere so that I can learn all the different things on campus, along with jobs where I lead and train other students. I was talking to my boss the other day and it sounds like I may have a student supervisor job for the summer which is 40 hours a week and I think a higher pay. Tyler's job is going well, but he would like to find another. A Salvation Army community center is opening up in the area, and Bethel is having a job fair hosted by the center so he is going to try and get a job there.

My current excitement is all about plants. My boss and supervisors tend to adopt us students, and I have worked with one woman named Vicki the most. We have had a lot of conversations and after learning that I liked gardening she got very excited. She said that she will be thinning out her garden and would love to bring me flowers, so tomorrow she is bringing us daisies, lilies, black eyed susans, marigolds, mums, resurrection lilies, ground cover, and some other stuff. She has been saving clay pots that the school is throwing out and giving them to me, and likes to give me starts of plants that are all around campus. And, in the spring, she has promised to take me dumpster diving. =)
My cooking day last weekend. On the left is peanut butt and chocolate squares, and failed homemade potato chips. On the right is delicious chocolate chip bread and homemade tortillas (delicious and cheap).
The chocolate chip bread, we got two loaves out of the recipe!

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